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September 2016 - ALeNet signs Financiera CrediClaro as new client

Financiera CrediClaro a leading Personal Financing firm in Panama, has subscribed to Clientix FINANCIALS SaaS (Software as a Service)


CrediClaro is a financial institution licensed to make personal loans to the general public, composed of a group of partners with over 10 years experience in the industry. CrediClaro offers their customers a professional and responsible advice to enable them to access financing without compromising their credit worthiness with other entities.

CrediClaro has selected ALeNet\'s Clientix FINANCIALS to enable a new and robust Credit Platform that will bring the company to a more competitive level while bringing security and comfort to its actual clients.
Clientix FINANCIALS offers a comprehensive suite of modules and tools that provides an integrated solution to manage loan processing and servicing from beginning to end.


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