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Integrated Trust Accounting & Control Software Solution.
Clientix Trusts is a system that automates the functions of administration and management of the business cycle of Trusts. ALeNet has used our highly experienced professionals that include consultants and experts in the management of Trusts, accountants, systems engineers, web developers, and specialists in the area of financial applications.
Clientix™ Trusts is a system designed to automate and manage the necessities of financial institutions that offer Trusts Services. The system is modular, parametric, friendly, safe, auditable, and includes tools to quickly adapt changes and/or expand functionality. Its application was 100% developed for Web-browsers, which allows the user to accede quickly to the information, to any hour and from any place. Clientix Trusts is an application effectively integrated that facilitates an optimal collaboration between the Trustees and the rest of its financial institution.



The Participants module is designed to register, centralize, and administer the information of grantors, beneficiaries, payees, debtors and prospect clients, whether they are persons, companies, or government agencies, who participate or will participate in a particular Trust. The system assigns an account, an internal code and a short name, to all the participants or prospects for fast identification and tracking through the Trust businesses cycle.

  • Customer Data.
  • Contacts and Participants.
  • Telephones and Directions.
  • Activities.
  • Identifications.
  • Images: Photos, Signatures, others.


The assets module is used to register and to administer the different types from Assets that are contributed to the Trusts. The system catches all the essential data of the assets including valuations, documentation, description, estimates, representatives, beneficiaries, instructions, and images.

  • Cash.
  • Securities (Stocks, Mutual Funds, Annuities, Bonds, CDs, etc..).
  • Private Equity.
  • Real Estate.
  • Personal Property.
  • Other Assets.


The Investments module manages the securities portfolio of each trust. It records all the activity related to the investments: Balances, Activity, Positions, Interests Paid, Gain/Loss and Asset Allocations.
The investment module can also manage group investments such as pension funds, or other collective investment trusts.


Clientix Trusts provides several tables to configure the system parameters and easily define the business rules. Some of the tables that can be defined are Company, Business Units, Products and Services, Chart of accounts, Trust Types, Transaction Catalog, Rate Tables, Formulas, Processes (Definition, Programming, and Monitoring), Currency Conversion, Access Trees, and others.


Clientix Trust automatically calculates the charging of customer’s fees and commissions based on the specified frequency and rate tables with a diverse option of calculation rules.Setting up the rules for fees and commissions for the trusts

  • Fees Schedules.
  • Rates scale tables.
  • Flexible Formulas (Flat fees, Percentage of Transactions, Percentage on Balances, Minimum and Maximum.).


All the transactions in the system are centralized in a single table with different forms and views depending on the type of transaction. The transactions are driven by certain rules defined in the transaction catalog table. Some transactions can be automatically generated by standing instructions or can be loaded from an external system through a system interface. The system manages the transaction cycle with workflow based on business rules: pending, approved, and closed.


Clientix Trusts provides a real-time, trust accounting module, uniquely featuring a General Ledger approach. This module maintains the registry of all journal entries based on the activity originated by other module transactions of each trust contract. It provides the essential information for accounting reports and financial statements, by contracts or in consolidated view.


Clientix™ includes a report and chart generator with a large selection of preconfigured templates for each module.

  • Generating of reports based Queries.
  • Web based reporting.
  • Export to HTML, Excel, PDF and XML.
  • Detail and/or Summary of Reports.
  • Integration with other applications like JASPER Reports, MS Access, Cognos and others.


This module is used to register the Trust key information and help manage the complete business cycle of the Trust from preparation and presale, thru completion or termination of the Trust. The contracts link the participants, products, assets, objectives, instructions, and transactions of the Trust enabling a consolidated view of the Trusts.

  • Allows to elaborate and to model the contract before activating it.
  • Registers Key Dates (Effective Date for History).
  • Links the Settlers/Grantors, Beneficiaries, Payees, Debtors, Representatives and any other Participant to the contract.
  • Registers the Inventory of Assets.
  • Records the fees and commission rules to the contract or products.
  • Documents conditions that will govern the Contract.
  • Registers Instructions and Orders, with its respective documentation.
  • Programming of tasks and processes for the contract.
  • All transactions are associated to a particular contract.
  • Notary records and documentation.
  • Stores copies of documents of the contract.
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